You will notice that this, again, is a slightly late post. Work has gotten the better of me recently, and I am trying to fix that. My plan is to become a full-time writer/comedian/artist in 2025.
You’re helping me by viewing these things, sharing them, and sometimes getting my books.
Today’s freebie is pretty simple, sci-fi and fantasy and nothing else. These are my favourite types, because by limiting to two genres the shelf owner makes sure more of those two genres shows up. So this one is packed with sci-fi.
It opened today, and many of these books weren’t on previous freebie shelves.
But that’s not all.
There have been a few promos active in November and December, and here are the highlights.
But that’s still not all.
Last week I attended the Manchester Geek Fayre, representing Halfplanet Press and talking (and joking) customers through what it’s all about, what it means, and why I believe Halfplanet is going to continue to explore uncharted territory in literature.
And, on the Saturday night, between coming home from one market day to heading out for another, I published a poetry book.
Now this isn’t the usual kind of thing you’ve been seeing here, but Halfplanet Press did start out with a mission; To boldly publish what has not been published before, mainly sci-fi, poetry, and comedy.
We’ve managed the sci-fi and comedy part so far.
It’s about time we did poetry.
I will preface it with a warning: The book is a sharp, practical reflection on healing from childhood abuse. It is not a handful of aimless miseries, but a directed exploration of some of the darker psychological harms that can be wrought upon us when we are growing up.
It is at times a tough read, and it uses some of the language used against the poets in their childhood.
No censorship, Halfplanet doesn’t do censorship.
I published it because it needed to be published.
I published it, because I think it will help some people.
Back to the Sci-Fi funnies.
Dizzy yet?
I also have an excerpt for a short story due out on my realphillipcarter newsletter.
It’s about sentient mushrooms that take humans as drugs.
It’s a bit cleverer than that, but that’s the premise, the elevator pitch.
It’s essentially the evil twin to Mycelial, my most popular Science Fiction story, which was picked up by Cinnabar Moth, and is being republished in 2025 both as a standalone story and in my upcoming collection Who Killed The Humans?
It comes out on Monday. You can read it by becoming a free subscriber, which you can do after reading the below post, in which I am interviewed about the real origins of Science Fiction, and time travel.
Merry Christmas everyone!
Thanks for being here. Halfplanet Press / RealPhillipCarter / Grumblebricks hasn’t gotten any Arts Community grants, business loans, or mysterious benefactors. There’s not even any nepotism. What that means is that these posts are made possible through your support, be that financial, spiritual, or otherwise.
Everything I have built was funded through a combination of careful saving and sales and donations from my readers and fans. For example
I launched my first book as a pre-order on Etsy in 2020, and their support paid for the ISBN codes.
More recently, I got a KoFi donation the other day that is going to pay for some of my bus fare to a radio interview this weekend, where I am going to talk about Geek Fayre and FFF.
You don’t need to buy my books or shirts, or donate money to continue enjoying Free Fiction Friday, it’s sort of in the name. But if you want to, I appreciate it.
Note: The Padlocked Fridge is not on my bookshop link, it’s on the direct link further up, as I didn’t write it (a full Halfplanet Press linktree will be coming in 2025, though)